Transmission Remote

by Yury Polek



Remote control for Transmission BitTorrent client

Transmission Remote allows you to remotely control Transmission BitTorrent client.Note: remote access must be enabled in Transmission preferences.How to configure: features:- view torrent list;- filter, sort, search torrent list;- pause, resume, delete individual or all torrents;- control speed limit for server or individual torrent;- add torrent (from link in browser, file or magnet link);- management of multiple Transmission servers;- notifications about finished downloads;- Night mode.Source code: added "Share Magnet Link" menu item on Torrent Details screen;- added "Sort by Activity" option;

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Great App

Suck MyChicken

Amazing remote client


Works wonderfully. Only thing it doesn't have that I wish it did is a true black background OLED friendly dark mode.


better than the web ui

Demi Yo

Missing a tracker filter

Jake Edwards

No ads, does exactly what a remote client should do.

Daniel Arany

A great app! I would have stayed but I really need labels so I'm using qbit. I understand transmission supports labels but it must be for the desktop app because I can't find any way to use them. Anyway, great work guys!

Luke Henkenius

works great just make sure you also have package transmission-cli installed or it wont work!!

John Doe

Excellent! Clean ui! Kudos to the developers!

Athanasios Tasoglou


Frank Ighodaro